Nechiyil Ayurveda

About Us


Nechiyil family, the abode of the generations of Ayurvedic physicians, is a synonym for Ayurveda since many decades among the public of south Malabar called Valluvanad in olden times. It represents today a stream of Ayurveda flourished in Kerala by the combination of Sanskrit and Tamil cultures.The very same combination of cultures can be seen in the art and science fields of Kerala. Tantra, Yoga and Kalari Philosophies made the foundation stone of this culture.


Five generations of this family have been well known in the field of healing the sick. Many other such families stopped their service in health arena and the rest represents tradition of particular stream. All the major eight off shoots of Ayurveda along with Rasasastra were in practice and such a tradition is very rare in Kerala today. To protect and propagate this tradition ia the major task in front of this firm now. Various institutions have been designed and started under the roof of Nechiyil to catch up with its past glory of Ayurveda to make it a complete health science which can answer the challenges of present health scenario.

Except all Ayurvedic remedy special treatments are provided for Paralysis, Bells palsy, Arthritis, Prostate gland hyper trophy, Kidney stones, Acid peptic disorders, Appendicitis, Pancriatitis, diabetes abscess and gangrene. The fundamental approach of Ayurveda can manage most of the diseases, is our experience and a consultation is necessary to give a correct opinion of a particular disease. Ayurveda gives much stress to the individuals rather the disease hence the prognosis may vary in different personalities. That can be evaluated by a direct consultation.

Social Benefits


Nechiyil Ayurvedic treatment emphasizes holistic care, integrating natural therapies, personalized diets, herbal remedies, and mindful practices to restore balance and well-being. It addresses physical, mental, and spiritual aspects, promoting health through personalized care and lifestyle adjustments.


Nechiyil Ayurvedic lifestyle encompasses balanced daily routines, mindful eating, regular exercise, adequate sleep, stress management, and positive social interactions. It aligns with one's unique constitution (dosha) to promote optimal health and harmony, fostering a holistic approach to well-being and preventing imbalances.


Nechiyil Ayurveda treatment often incorporates serene natural surroundings – lush gardens, flowing water, and tranquil landscapes. These soothing environments enhance healin and promote relaxation, complementing therapeutic practices. Connecting with nature in Ayurveda fosters a harmonious connection between the body, mind, and environment for overall wellness.

Traditional Treatments

Nechiyil Ayurveda employs traditional therapies like Abhyanga (oil massage), Panchakarma (detoxification), Shirodhara (oil flow on forehead), and Ayurvedic herbal remedies. These time-honored treatments balance energies, cleanse toxins, and restore vitality. Rooted in ancient wisdom, they support holistic healing and wellness in alignment with individual constitution.


Nechiyil Ayurveda treatment is bolstered by personalized guidance in diet, exercise, and lifestyle choices. Herbal supplements aid healing, while Ayurvedic therapies like Marma (energy points) manipulation and Swedana (steam therapy) promote balance. Expert practitioners provide holistic support, fostering well-being by addressing individual needs and imbalances.


Nechiyil Ayurveda treatments facilitate wellness by harmonizing body, mind, and spirit. Tailored therapies, herbal remedies, and mindful practices restore balance, improve digestion, reduce stress, and enhance vitality. Ayurveda's holistic approach empowers individuals to achieve optimal well-being through personalized care and lifestyle adjustments, promoting lasting health.

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